Fire pumps sensing line
Pressure Actuated Controller Pressure Sensing Lines
Ø ال sensing line الخاص بال fire pump وظيفته انه بيشعر باى pressure drop فى الشبكة بتاعتى وبيكون متوصل
بال Control Panel
الخاصة بال pump المسئولة عن تشغيل ال pump
Ø بيتم توصيله على خط ال discharge بحيث يكون الضغط اللى واصله هو
نفس ضغط الشبكة واى pressure drop يحصل ف الشبكة يحصل فيه كمان
Ø الكود هنا بيوضح ان كل pump بما فيهم ال jockey لازم يكون لها sensing line خاص بها فقط
Ø بيتم توصيله على خط ال discharge بين ال check valve وال isolation valve او من ال check valve او من ال isolation valve
Ø الكود بيوضح لى المواد لمسموح باستخدامها لتصنيع ال sensing line منها
Ø الكود بيوضح لى هنا اسباب عدم تصنيع ال sensing line من ال soft copper لانه سهل التدمير والتخريب من اى شخص ولا يتحمل
ضغوط لتشغيل
Ø يتم تركيب عدد 2 من check valve من ال bronze , stainless steel على ال sensing line وذلك لمنع حدوث water hammer فى الخط
Ø المسافة بين ال Two check valves لا تقل عن 1.5 m كما واضح فى Figure A.4.32 (a)
Ø يتم
تركيب 2 inspection valves على خط ال sensing line وبيكون بينهم Tee بحيث اقدر اركب عليها pressure
gauge استخدامه فى حالة ال inspection واختبار الضغط فى الخط ومدى
صلاحية عمل ال pressure switch بتاعى
Ø يتم تركيبground-face unions مزود ب noncorrosive diaphragms فى حالة ال clean water بدلا من استخدام ال check valve
Ø قطر ال pipe الخاصة بال sensing line تكون 15 mm فى حالة التصنيع من Copper K,L,M
§ Sensing Line (Fire Pump Controller) - Hand Book
Ø ال sensing line يجب ان يتحمل ضغط يصل الى 400 Psi
hi i need information for pump sizing for combined system for sprinkler system and foam system so which water demand i have to take for pump sizing in nfpa 409 where to show in higher deamand will take it for pump please kindly request you tell me .
ReplyDeletethanks for valuable information, could you please provide flow and head calculation for combined system
ReplyDeleteHi Engineer....
ReplyDeletePlease Solve my Doubts...
Pressure Sensing Line's Check Valve Direction Should Be Towards Panel or Discharge Pipe????
The check valves should be inverted, opposite to the water supply direction
DeleteRevise the arrow direction in figure A.4.32(b)
Sending line check valve arrow should be discharge pipe...
Deletewould like to ask,What is the maintaining pressure for fire pump and jockey pump?
ReplyDeletepressure sensing line's check valve direction should be reverse
ReplyDeleteجزاكم الله خير
ReplyDeleteHi Engineer, I would like to ask, if there is an alarm check valve in the system (located after the discharge control valve) where should the sensing line be tapped? Is it still on between the discharge check valve and discharge control valve? Will the pressure reading be accurate since the alarm check valve prevents back flow?
ReplyDeleteis angle valve or ball valve require in sensing line connect to panel